Month: March 2019

The Tetris Effect and Our Boundaryless Digital Future

The videogames of Tetsuya Mizuguchi have chased a singular, mystical effect—one the celebrated designer first experienced 30 years ago, in 1988, when he wandered into an arcade in Tokyo. A young college student at the time, Mizuguchi enjoyed the shooters and racing games but was mesmerized by a colorful, musical waterfall of 2-D blocks. “I…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off

Netflix's Umbrella Academy Is Your New X-Men—Ugh

Superhero TV follows a Betty Crocker recipe. Throw some unlikely ingredients into a stylish receptacle. Add a binder. Beat on high until everything doubles in size. Stir in some supporting flavors. Finally, bake in villainous fires until goodness rises. Delicious! Related Stories People simply keep eating. The reliable satisfactions of superhero stories continue to attract…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off