Month: April 2019

White House screens controversial anti-abortion film amid hopes of a Hollywood awakening

An anti-abortion film which major Hollywood studios refused to fund was screened at the White House on Friday night, amid jubilation from conservatives who believe the film industry will now wake up to their perspective. “Conservatives had given up on Hollywood,” said Phelim McAleer, the Irish producer of the film. “People told us they hadn’t…

By HotelSalesCareers April 15, 2019 Off

Wikileaks’ 11 greatest stories

1. Iraq Apache helicopter attack Horrifying video footage showing 15 people including two Reuters journalists being shot dead by a US Army Apache helicopter gunman, taken from the helicopter’s gun camera, appalled the world when it was released on Wikileaks. The crew were heard laughing at the "dead b—–ds" and saying "light ’em up!" and "keep shooting, keep shooting".…

By HotelSalesCareers April 15, 2019 Off

How Sudan’s precarious revolution could fall prey to old elites and regional interference

The noise outside must have been deafening. All week, Sudan’s generals had heard the repeated call “just fall, that’s all,” eventually yielding to it by toppling Omar al-Bashir, Sudan’s military dictator, and placing him under arrest. But as night fell on Friday, the chants wafting through the windows of Khartoum’s military headquarters were directed at them.  Hundreds of thousands, more than at…

By HotelSalesCareers April 14, 2019 Off

Donald Trump ‘strongly’ considering releasing detained migrants in sanctuary cities despite outcry

Donald Trump yesterday said he was still considering releasing detained migrants onto the streets of “sanctuary cities” despite 24 hours of outcry after the proposal was revealed.  The US president tweeted that he was giving “strong considerations” to taking the move, which had been criticised as a form of political retribution when it first emerged…

By HotelSalesCareers April 14, 2019 Off