Month: February 2020

Thuram se raconte en BD

Lilian Thuram fait beaucoup de bien au travers de sa Fondation Education contre le racisme. Il utilise aujourd’hui un nouveau média pour transmettre son message, la bande dessinée. L’ancien joueur publie donc Notre histoire, dont il est le héros. Lilian Thuram est à la fois champion du monde de football, recordman des sélections en équipe…

By HotelSalesCareers February 25, 2020 Off

Today at Commission, Orbán and social policy

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbàn | Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images MIDDAY BRIEF, IN BRIEF Today at Commission, Orbán and social policy Commissioners meet in Brussels Wednesday to discuss how to deal with Hungary. By Quentin Ariès 4/25/17, 4:19 PM CET Updated 4/25/17, 4:22 PM CET Tuesday’s Commission midday briefing looked ahead to Wednesday’s meeting of the…

By HotelSalesCareers February 25, 2020 Off

For EU27, the hard part of Brexit starts now

So far, so surprisingly good. But staying united on Brexit is about to get harder for the EU’s remaining members. From the moment last June when the British voted to ditch the European Union, senior officials in Brussels have labored fastidiously to keep the rest of the bloc together. Given that disagreement, debate and discord are encoded in…

By HotelSalesCareers February 25, 2020 Off

Rahm Emanuel Blames 'Toxic' Trump for Smollett Hate Hoax

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel blamed President Donald Trump in a press conference Thursday for the alleged hate hoax carried out by Empire Jussie Smollett, claiming that the president created a “toxic” and “vicious” cycle for which the star thought he could get away with the purportedly staged attack on himself. “Look, I’ve always said from day one…

By HotelSalesCareers February 25, 2020 Off

Jean-Claude Juncker: Marine Le Pen ‘won’t win’

EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker | Frederick Florin/AFP via Getty Images Jean-Claude Juncker: Marine Le Pen ‘won’t win’ Commission chief calls Europe’s relationship with Trump ‘something akin to estrangement.’ By Stephen Brown 3/19/17, 12:01 AM CET Updated 3/20/17, 3:48 PM CET European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says far-right candidate Marine Le Pen won’t win France’s presidential…

By HotelSalesCareers February 25, 2020 Off