Month: August 2020

Takedown Media To Broadcast Big Ten Championships on

This Saturday and Sunday join Steve Foster, Jeff Murphy, Chad Kriz and company for Takedown Media’s annual broadcast of the Big Ten Championships LIVE from Champaign, Illinois. Tune in to this FREE audio broadcast on or courtesy of USA Wrestling and Takedown Wrestling Media. 2013 Big Ten Wrestling Championships Schedule Saturday, March 9-Sunday,…

By HotelSalesCareers August 10, 2020 Off

Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes Note, Seth Rollins and John Cena

– Below is a video courtesy of Xavier Woods’ “UpUpDownDown” YouTube Channel featuring Cathy Kelley playing PokeMon Go outside WWE headquarters in Stamford: – Stu Bennett, formerly known as “Wade Barrett,” is currently filming scenes for his film “Vengeance,” while Cody Rhodes is working on “Arrow” for the CW Network. The two wrestlers-turned-actors tweeted the…

By HotelSalesCareers August 10, 2020 Off