Month: August 2020

Spoilers: TNA Impact Tapings – 2/16/16

– Thanks to Erik Otey for the following TNA Impact Wrestling tapings from tonight’s tapings in Manchester, England. These should air on February 16th: * World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy, Reby Sky, Tyrus and Maxel are all out for a promo. This segment ends in Ethan Carter III reuniting with Rockstar Spud to a major…

By HotelSalesCareers August 17, 2020 Off

Spoilers: WWE SmackDown Tapings for 2/11/16

– Thanks to Wesley Levy (@SpeedLimitNone3) for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight’s tapings in Portland, Oregon: * SmackDown kicks off with Chris Jericho coming to the ring for a promo to hype his match with AJ Styles * Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles ends when the Social Outcasts come out to interrupt. This…

By HotelSalesCareers August 17, 2020 Off

WWE Receives YouTube’s Diamond Play Button, Touts Subscribers

– WWE issued the following today: WWE® SURPASSES 10 MILLION YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS JOINING THE RANKS OF TAYLOR SWIFT, JIMMY FALLON AND ELLEN DEGENERES STAMFORD, Conn., February 29, 2016 – WWE (NYSE: WWE) today received the highly-coveted Diamond Play Button, YouTube’s highest honor, after surpassing 10 million subscribers, further solidifying itself as one of the world’s…

By HotelSalesCareers August 16, 2020 Off