Month: January 2021

WrestleMania 27 Script Leaks: Jim Ross's Role At WM27, Match Order

Click:日本私立大学の入試難易度ランキング Click:what are sheet metal screws A copy of the WrestleMania 27 script has leaked out and we’ve got some exclusive details about tonight’s match order and Jim Ross’ involvement, courtesy of We can exclusively report the following matches are the last four to go on tonight at Wrestlemania, as of 2:00 pm eastern…

By HotelSalesCareers January 15, 2021 Off

John Morrison Undergoing Neck Surgery

John Morrison stated on his Twitter account this morning that he’s undergoing surgery to repair his neck. He wrote, “I’m about to get an operation to fix my neck- I will return @RonKillings.” The Raw Superstar did not work this past weekend’s Raw live events despite being advertised. reported last night that Morrison is…

By HotelSalesCareers January 14, 2021 Off