Headline / Chinese Company Participate In The Biggest Constructi
Just little while ago, we had received a heart-stirring news from Kenya office, that the T10 European standard block machine we supplied to Kenya biggest infrastructure construction project, Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, had finished machine installation and operation training. More importantly, the finished concrete paving blocks had passed 50MPA pressure testing. This project expands…
TrauDich! Hamburg 2024
TrauDich! Hamburg: the trade show The wedding fair “TrauDich!” is the trend fair for marriages and celebrations, which takes place annually in several towns of Germany. The wedding fair in Hamburg presents young newlyweds and other visitors who are willing to marry the latest products and services around the topic of marriage. At the event…
Thüringen Ausstellung Erfurt 2025
Thüringen Ausstellung Erfurt: the trade show For your company success don’t miss Thuringen, an exhibition and a powerful consumer fair in East Germany and largest fair in Thuringia, with a strong industry-mix for the consumer and professional visitors it has positioned as the leading consumer and Building Fair in Thuringia.The fair offers you the opportunity…
Embracing Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year: Peach Fuzz
Embracing Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year: Peach Fuzz This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. As the seasons change and trends evolve, so does the palette of wedding colors. Pantone’s Color…
The Gold Standard: A Key to the Future?
For the first time in decades, inflation has spiked in developed markets – reaching double digits in many countries. Because of this, calls for a return to a gold standard are getting louder from advocates who say it could keep inflation in check and ensure monetary stability. In this article, we’ll look at what the…
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 在办公的途中,我们经常用到Excel进行处理一些数据,如果是输入比较长的数据的话,我们可能会发现在Excel表格中左上角绿三角,那么这种情况下怎么去掉呢?一起来看看下面这篇文章吧! 首先如下图,箭头所指处的单元格中左上角有一个明显的绿三角: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 我们选中这个单元格可以看到,它的格式是文本格式,这种文本格式的左上角就会有一个绿色的三角号: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 我们选中这个单元格,可以看到它的前面有一个叹号,点击一下,在下拉列表中点击忽略错误: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 这样这个三角号就消失了: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 如何在Excel表格中让左上角绿三角去掉,你学会这个小技巧了吗? Keyword: wps官网下载
Rapid tooling: 5 tips for even faster molds
Rapid tooling enables engineers to get moldings much faster than they would with production molds. Via machining or additive manufacturing, rapid tooling massively reduces toolmaking lead times, making it possible to obtain accurate prototypes of molded parts or even low-volume production parts. There are many key advantages to using rapid tooling systems. First and foremost,…
Remembering Hans H. Koehl – Chairman of SPIROL
Dec 22 DECEMBER 19, 1934 – NOVEMBER 30, 2023 Hans passed away peacefully surrounded by his wife Christina, son Jeff, and close friend Russ on November 30, 2023. Born in Stolberg, Germany to the late Herman Koehl and Maria Altdorf Koehl, Hans immigrated with his mother, father and two sisters, Gerda and Emmy, to the…
在近日网络上飘着满满的都欧美明星绯闻的时候,说说那些欧美大牌明星的私事会不会不合时宜?不过小编本着乐施于人的态度,分享下最新的时尚打扮即可,因为她们的正面形象还是可圈可点的呢。俗话说身材好穿什么衣搭配什么包,都是潇洒从容,气质不凡呀,欧美明星与超模,天生的高挑身材,在驾驭大牌时装名包上有很强的优势,长长的裙子很轻松很随意突出效果,再大的爱马仕铂金包拧在手中也乖乖的变得淡定,甚至真空出街,哪怕让路人看到鼻孔游血,也是下潇洒自如。 维秘天使米兰达·可儿 Miranda Kerr身高175cm,重56千克,身材完美的国际超模,穿着蓝色碎花长裙,手提黑色大号爱马仕铂金包出街,高挑的身材HOLD住长裙与大包,而且潇洒从容气质不凡呀。 米兰达·可儿 Miranda Kerr好于挑战身材的穿着打扮,同时又是爱马仕铂金包忠实的粉丝。 欧美明星穿着时髦打扮,搭配香奈儿新款口盖包出街,性感十足,亦气质不凡。 C罗女友伊莉娜·莎伊克Irina Shayk,身材完美又十分性感的超模,与C罗一起度假时变相机场,穿着靓丽的休闲打扮,一手拉LV旅行箱,一手提个白色爱马仕铂金包,明星范十足。 欧美明星真空出街,时髦的绿色枝叶图案长裙,露出性感诱人的美景,配戴一款手工坊新款香奈儿包包,夏日里大大的回草帽与墨镜,为打扮增加几分十分洋气的感觉,又十分妩媚性感,享受阳光下的度假。 Keyword: 爱马仕花园包
奥登称若大家去搜罗伊集锦 他做到的事一定会让你惊讶
在北京时间9月8日的报道中,前波特兰开拓者队的球员格雷格·奥登最近成为了乌杜尼斯·哈斯勒姆播客节目《The OGs》的嘉宾,在节目中他谈到了他的前队友布兰登·罗伊。 他说:“每个人都去网上搜一下‘布兰登-罗伊十佳球’。你会对这个人过去做到的事情感到惊讶,而且这对他来说太容易了,他们称呼他‘天生球手’,因为对他来说一切都很容易。他在球场上就是可以做到所有的事情,这对他来说太容易了。” Keyword: NBA zhibo