On-Demand Webinar: Master On-Demand Manufacturing with Xometry G
In our latest on-demand webinar, Greg Paulsen, Director of Application Engineering at Xometry, walks through through a live demonstration of the Xometry Instant Quoting Engine℠. Along the way, Greg discusses everything from how to quote multiple files to adding custom features to requesting certifications and inspections. Greg also talks about how to choose between production…
奥登称在CBA半年赚100万刀 压力很大我每天都抽1包烟
在北京时间10月6日的报道中,2007年NBA选秀大会的状元秀格雷格·奥登最近在一个电视节目中回顾了他在CBA(中国篮球协会)的职业经历。 奥登:“我去了中国打球,感觉还不错,在那大概打了6个月,挣了100万美元,还不用缴税。” “比赛前我得一直抽烟,压力很大,我几乎每天抽一包烟。” 奥登2015-16赛季曾效力于江苏男篮,共为球队出战25场比赛,场均上场26.3分钟可以拿下13分7.7篮板2盖帽。 Keyword: NBA live zhibo
Menuda Feria 2025
Menuda Feria: the trade show Parents and children will have a lot of fun in Menuda Feria, a space EDT driven events for children to enjoy games and educational workshops with their parents. In addition to activities for children, this fair has an huge exhibition area with clothing, shoes, books and toys for children from 0 to 14 years…
Maquintex 2025
Maquintex: the trade show Maquintex is one of the major events of the textile industry in the Northeast. In this event, professionals from the entire production chain meet to present the latest in equipment, machinery, raw materials, weaving, printing and garment manufacturing. This ensures fair access to strategic growth markets of North and Northeast of…
Injection Molded Toys: It’s Easier Than Ever to Make Them
For a long time, making toys in an amateur capacity was a difficult thing to do. You could use wood, or you could piece things together from recycled components, but high-quality toymaking was a practice exclusively carried out by big and medium-size toy companies: giants like Mattel and LEGO and the like on the higher…
How Much Does CNC Milling Cost: Factors and Tips to Consider
Milling has been the favorite manufacturing process for metalworkers since the 1800s. What has changed significantly is the way that it is done. A hundred years ago, milling required a lot of manual labor. But now Computer Numerical Control (CNC) technologies do most of the work. Generally speaking, once the tooling is set up, CNC…
High Precision CNC Milling Services are very popular
For precision CNC milling services, the right tools are required. Basically, in order to perform precision machining jobs, you need CNC milling machines. These machines are precise, accurate and fast. We suggest that to providers that offer these services, you outsource the job if you deal in the products of parts. You can use the…
Elastomeric parts: injection molding silicone vs 3D printing fle
From industrial gaskets to the soles of your shoes, elastomeric parts are both ubiquitous and unique. Made from elastomers, a group of rubber-like polymers, these flexible, stretchy, and shock-absorbing components are easy to make — and can be produced in several ways. One of the ways to produce elastomeric parts is injection molding. Not the…
Decreasing Shrinkage in Metal Die-Casting | 3ERP Prototyping
Metal casting, like all industrial methods, necessitates a fair amount of accuracy and fidelity towards the intended design. However, things are rarely as simple as executing a method of production because uncalculated variables can rear their heads and ruin a design with bumps, tiny gaps and today’s topic: shrinkage. The rate of shrinkage has to…
Bridging the Gender Divide
When I was in third grade, my teacher asked the class to draw a picture of a scientist. Most of the students drew an Einstein-like character with disheveled hair, a lab coat, and a beaker with fog spilling out of it. I turned in a picture of a woman with long straight hair, wearing a…