Bypass: The Hidden Pool Filter Problem
When is a pool filter not a pool filter? When water is bypassing your filter, and returning to the pool unfiltered. It’s a more common problem than you may think. If your pool water is hazy, cloudy or dull – or if you are plagued by frequent algae blooms, you may have such pool filter…
The GFFN Preview Show – 4th May 2017
Eric Devin is joined by Nathan Staples and Adam White to sift through the European adventures of Monaco and Lyon as well as look forward to the weekend’s action. Click Here: Men football kit sets
Panda Bathrobe for Baby
You will make people happy by offering this beautiful Panda Bathrobe for Baby. Its quality cotton is ideal to keep warm after a good bath. Too cute this baby bathrobe with the effigy of the most beautiful animal in the world. You will love to put it on your child after a good shower. I ts…
Panda Bag Small Bear
Looking for your baby’s first school bag? The little panda plush backpack, more than a plush bag. The perfect bag for your baby, a cute companion that he will be proud to show off to all his friends! Characteristics of the Panda Bag Small Bear • Made of cotton, soft and fluffy, its fur is pleasant to…
Panda Bag School Set
Discover the Red Panda Set for school and make your child enjoy nice accessories with red pandas patterns. Here is finally a bag for fans of the red panda, this little panda is also printed on the patterns of the panda bag, choose the panda bag of your choice from a range of 50 products!…
Automatic Pool Chlorinators: Buyer’s Guide
Chlorine Tablets are the easiest and safest way to get chlorine into your pool. Automatic Chlorinators are the perfect partner, allowing a way to provide a constant and consistent chlorine level. Using tablets in the skimmer? That’s a No-No, and can cause big problems over time. Chlorine Floaters? Well OK, better than nothing, but less…
一年顶薪折合人民币4.44亿 周琦74年没库里1年赚得多
CBA的最高年薪为600万元,而NBA的顶薪合同则高达数千万美元。以勇士队的全明星球员库里为例,他最近与球队达成的一年续约合同,年薪高达6260万美元,折合人民币约为4.443亿元。在过去十年中,NBA的顶薪合同金额已经翻倍增长,而CBA的最高薪水却大幅减少,从曾经的2000万元降至如今的600万元。 这一对比鲜明地展示了CBA与NBA之间在财务规模上的巨大差异。库里一年的薪资甚至超过了周琦打74年的总收入,这样的天文数字足以让任何CBA球员感到震惊。 众所周知,NBA是全世界最成功的商业联盟,进入到21世纪以后,NBA的收入水涨船高,球员的薪水也猛涨。尤其是在过去十几年,球员的身价可以说暴涨。2010年热火三巨头联手时,詹姆斯、韦德和波什,他们的年薪还没有2000万。而现如今联盟中,稍微一个小有名气的球员,年薪基本都超过2000万。全明星球员,年薪没个3000万,都不好意思说出口了。 这一次,库里与勇士续约,合同将延续到2026-27赛季。届时,库里一年的薪水将达到6260万美元,折合人民币超过4.44亿元。这样的薪水,别说是放在CBA联盟了,就是放在NBA联盟,十年前,一年这样的收入,那也是不敢想象的。一年收入超过4.44亿人民币。估计姚明都感叹,要是能晚生20年该有多好。相比之下,CBA就寒颤不少了。现如今,CBA的顶薪只有600万,也就是说,即便是周琦这种联盟第一人,年薪也是这个数。十年前,2014年的时候,当时CBA的顶薪是易建联,他的年薪达到2000万元,是国内独一档的存在。 而在2014年,NBA顶薪球员的收入,科比是最高的,为3000万美元左右。短短十年时间里,CBA顶薪球员收入缩水了三分之二,而NBA则已经翻倍了。曾经CBA第一高薪的人,与NBA最高薪的球员,年收入的差距是11倍。而现如今,CBA顶薪球员的收入与NBA顶薪球员的收入,已经达到74倍。从这一点也可以看出来,NBA已经是世界第一联赛,而CBA经过这几年的折腾,不仅没有进步,反而越来越不堪了。 最近几年,由于CBA顶薪限制,不少大牌球员都开始闹情绪。像周琦就与新疆队闹翻,随后上赛季又短暂加盟广东队。新赛季,周琦又加盟了北京队。大魔王此番接二连三的折腾,其实说到底还是收入问题。不过,试想下,当初周琦要是能够留在NBA,那么,他的收入肯定就不止今天这样少了,也没必要这样折腾了。 Keyword: NBA 直播
Anatomy of a Swimming Pool
Anatomy of a swimming pool. What are the components or systems used for that big bowl of water in the backyard? How are they connected? In a similar fashion to the ‘Dry Bones’ song – “the ankle bone’s connected to the skin bone…” all of your pool equipment is connected together and works in concert with…
6 Best Pool Closing Tips
Closing a pool for winter is one of the most important aspects of pool ownership. Little mistakes here and there can bring on BIG problems come springtime. Destroyed winter covers, expensive plumbing and equipment repairs, hard-to-clean pool scale and/or stains, the need for extra sanitizing chemicals and a prolonged pool opening period are just some…
NBA新规可以挑战漏判犯规了 但需要出界球作为前提
在今日的公告中,NBA官方宣布了一项新规定,从2024-25赛季开始,将增加界外球回放的范围,这意味着在回放过程中如果发现有未被吹罚的犯规行为,将会进行补充吹罚。 官方表示,在新规之下,如果教练挑战一个出界违例,那么裁判和回放中心将可以回看出界违例附近是否有犯规,以下几个因素将起到决定性作用: 1、涉及漏吹犯规的球员们跟涉及出界的球员们是否相同? 2、犯规与出界之间的物理上的距离 3、犯规与出界之间的时间上的距离 此项新规,相当于主教练拥有了“挑战漏判”的权利,但是需要通过“挑战出界球”来进行。如果没有出界球,那么就无法挑战漏判…… 需要说明的是,出界球,只能由教练挑战来发起录像回看,裁判和回放中心没有权利主动看;如果没有教练挑战,那么当值裁判吹什么就是什么。 另外,这项新规是由球员工会、教练、各老板、各球队、联盟高管以及裁判们一致同意提案给联盟董事会的。 Keyword: NBA live