Pentagon Hands Lucrative Guantanamo Bay Deal to Notorious Private Security Company

October 14, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

A British private security company that has been accused of numerous human rights violations has been handed a $118 million deal by the Pentagon to provide “operating support services” for the Guantanamo Bay naval base that houses the U.S. military’s notorious prison.

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The Department of Defense announced earlier this week that G4S has been granted the contract to provide services that include “family housing, facility management, facility investment, other (swimming pools), custodial, pest control, integrated solid waste management, grounds maintenance and landscaping, base support vehicles and equipment, electrical, wastewater, water, and limited facilities support functions.” The statement did not mention any duties relating to the Guantanamo Bay prison, which currently holds 149 men without charge or trial.

But Kat Craig, legal director for UK-based legal charity Reprieve, told the Independent that “G4S must make clear exactly what the nature of its work at Guantanamo is.”

“Any company which associates itself with the legal black hole which is Guantanamo Bay has serious questions to answer,” she added. “Guantanamo has been the site of detention without trial and brutal mistreatment for over a decade—even now, Reprieve’s clients are being subjected to torturous force-feedings in response to their peaceful protests.”

British authorities are currently investigating G4S for fraud, following evidence that the company over-charged for the electronic monitoring of incarcerated people, including alleged prisoners who were actually dead.