WWE Raw Results (07/01/13) – Sioux City, IA

January 2, 2021 Off By HotelSalesCareers

Date: July 1st, 2013

We are LIVE in: Sioux City, IA

Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, JBL

The show starts with Raw Adviser Vickie Guerrero facing the camera.

Vickie: Good evening. Tonight we will honor the pinnacle of sports entertainment. Both the World Heavyweight Championship and WWE Championship. Both symbolize great prestige and greatness. And I would like to thank the McMahon family for letting me make this match tonight. World Champion Alberto Del Rio versus WWE Champion John Cena.

Intro plays.

Daniel Bryan comes out and heads to the ring which has a ladder and the Money in the Bank briefcase hanging over him. He grabs a microphone.

Bryan: Last week the burning question on everyone’s mind was finally answered. “Is Daniel Bryan the weak link?”

“No!” chants

Bryan: After making Randy Orton tap out in the middle of the ring, you guys answered that question already: NO! NO! But that begs an entirely new question. Can Daniel Bryan ride this wave of momentum into the Money in the Bank match and win the WWE Championship contract?

“Yes!” chants

Bryan: If only there was some sort of simple three letter word to give a definitive answer to that question. I think you guys had it the first time. YES! YES! YES! You see I want to be WWE Champion. I want to follow in the footsteps of the greats. Bruno Sammartino. Hulk Hogan. Steven Austin. The Rock. Daniel Bryan. And why not? Two years ago I wont a Money in the Bank match and cashed in to become the World Heavyweight Champion. And it’s been far too long. And just because this Money in the Bank is filled with all stars doesn’t mean that history can’t repeat itself. I will be WWE Champion!

Sheamus comes out and makes his way to the ring.

Sheamus: Howdy, Danny boy! Since we’re talking about history, let’s talk about how that story ended.

Bryan: I don’t think anyone wants to know how that ended.

Sheamus: You don’t want to hear about how I beat you for the World Championship at WrestleMania in 18 seconds? I’m not saying i’m going to win in 18 seconds, but it’s been far too long since I had the championship around my waist, and I won’t let you have it.

Bryan: Is there any chance that if I call 1-800-FELLA you can Brogue Kick yourself in the face?

Sheamus: I didn’t know gremlins were so funny.

Orton comes out and heads down the ramp.

Orton: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You two complain about not being champion for awhile? I haven’t been champion for two years. I’m not hungry. I’m STARVING. And a starving man takes what he needs. And I need the WWE title. So, after I win the contract I will not hesitate to cash it in on the first unsuspecting champion that I see.

Bryan: I think we all know what you’re capable of, but there’s something else that I know. I know that last week I made you tap out.

“You tapped out” chants.

Orton: I’m gonna let that one slide, but you disrespect me one more time i’m going to drop you where you stand. Now it’s true I am desperate, you know what that means? That means in two weeks no one is safe.

Kane comes out. He walks down to the ring.

Kane: I agree, Randy. No one IS safe. Especially you. No one in the history of WWE has been more ruthless than me especially when the WWE championship is involved. I have no problem committing unspeakable acts against my opponents. Even my so called “friends”.

He looks at Bryan

Bryan: Why are you looking at me like that KANE?! Clearly you’re upset because of what happened on Smackdown, but it’s not my faulty that unlike me you couldn’t beat Orton.

Kane: That’s why I can’t wait for the Money in the Bank match. It’s every man for himself. No partners, no friends…only victims.

Bryan: And that’s the way you want it? Fine! I’m going to be WWE Champion!

Kane: I’m going to be WWE Champion!

Bryan: I’M going to be WWE Champion!

Kane: I’M going to be WWE Champion!

Christian comes out and heads to the ring.

Christian: I hate to beak up this little lover’s quarrel, but let me remind you that when it comes to the ladder match there is one man who has had more experience and success than anybody, and that’s me. Now i’ve been gone for awhile and when I came back I said I was looking for one more match, and that’s going to be for the WWE championship. Now it’s like this…I might not be the biggest guy in this match. I might not be the strongest guy. I might not be the scariest guy. I might not even be the hairiest guy in this match. But you all should believe one thing; that I am the best!

Punk comes out and joins the others.

Punk: You know I said I wasn’t going to come out and do the predictable thing and do what you guys are doing. But then I heard that magic word “best”. Christian I respect the hell out of you and all you’ve done, I really do. But not only am I the best in the world, i’m the best at the Money in the Bank ladder match. I’m the only man who can say I won it twice. And soon i’ll be the only to say he won it three times. But I don’t want you gentlemen to misunderstand me. Aw hell we’re all jerks I don’t care if you misunderstand me. I’m the best in this business. But there’s one guy missing from the bunch. Rob Van Dam.

“RVD” chants.

Punk: Rob Van Dam. I know your game plan. You’re fearless. You have no disregard for safety. You’ll do whatever it takes to climb. Sheamus, one of the toughest guys I ever dealt with. Randy-

Bryan: ENOUGH! You gonna talk about each of us and say why you’re better than us? You say one more word and i’ll make you tap out faster than I made Orton tap.

Orton: I warned you

He advances towards Bryan. Kane gets in front. Bryan grabs Kane.

Bryan: I don’t need anyone fighting my battles!

Kane turns back around. Orton suddenly gives Kane the RKO. The other wrestlers look around at one another. They slowly back away and separate. Bryan stays in the ring with Kane.

Tonight, WWE Champion John Cena faces World Champion Alberto Del Rio.


Another Bray Wyatt promo plays.

The Shield comes out and heads to the ring from within the crowd for a six man tag team match.

Their opponent, Christian, comes out and heads to the ring.

His partners, The Usos, come down next.

[Match 1]
[Six Man Tag Team Match]
[Christian & The Usos vs. The Shield]

Bell sounds. Jimmy and Rollins start. Set with right hands. Jimmy returns them. Seth with a kick to the head. Off the ropes and Jimmy with a flying back elbow. Tag to Jey. Jey with a running clothesline for one. Jey grabs Seth and Seth with a headbutt. Tag to Ambrose. Ambrose with rights. Jey punches Ambrose into his corner and tags Christian. Christian with an arm lock. Off the ropes and Ambrose with a knee to the gut. Ambrose grabs Christian and whips him. He runs and Christian drop toe holds Ambrose into the middle rope. Ambrose rolls out of the ring. Reigns and Rollins join him. The Usos enter the ring and suicide dive into Rollins and Reigns. Christian springs over the top and dives down on Ambrose. They all head back into the ring and celebrate.


Rollins tags in. He stomps on Jey and picks him up Jey with right hands. Off the ropes and Rollins with a forearm shot. Tag to Ambrose. Rollins and Ambrose with a double suplex to Jey for a two count. Ambrose grabs Jey and applies a submission hold. Jey gets to his feet quickly, but Ambrose with a jab to the throat. Reigns tags in. Reigns with headbutts. Jey punches him back. He tries to whip but Reigns counters with a spinning powerbomb. The count is broken by Jimmy. Tag to Ambrose. Ambrose taunts Christian’s finishing move taunt. He picks Hey up and Jey with a crescent kick to the jaw. Jey crawls for the tag and Ambrose dropkicks Jimmy down. Tag to Rollins. Rollins grabs Jey and Jey with an inzigiri.

Tag to Christian. Christian with right hands and a running forearm. He climbs the turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick for two. Christian puts Rollins on the turnbuckle and lands a few punches followed by a monkey flip. Ambrose tries a cheap shot, but Christian seems him coming. He doesn’t see Rollins with the dropkick to the head. Tag to Ambrose. Ambrose punches Christian while he’s down. He picks him up and Christian with a reverse DDT for two. Reigns enters the ring and Jey throws both himself and Reigns over the top. Christian grabs Ambrose and goes for the kill switch,but Ambrose shoves him to the turnbuckle. Christian goes for the sunset flip pin, but Rollins grabs Christian’s head and drops it against the top rope. Ambrose rolls Christian up from behind and gets the three count.

[Winners via Pinfall: The Shield]
[Time: 09:33]

Kane is backstage with Bryan.

Bryan: Kane, i’m sorry about what happened earlier, but I talked to Vickie to make it up to you.

Kane: I think you’ve done enough.

Bryan: Are you upset about what happened on Smackdown? I was trying to help you. I didn’t know Orton would RKO you-

Kane: Just stay out of my business!

Bryan: I just want you to know that I got you a rematch with Randy Orton.

Kane: Really? I actually am happy to hear that. Thanks, buddy.

Bryan: No problem. Oh…and i’ve been made special guest referee.

Bryan leaves. Kane is getting mad again.

Dolph Ziggler comes out and heads to the ring for a match.


His opponent, Jinder Mahal, is already in the ring.

[Match 2]
[Singles Match]
[Dolph Ziggler vs. Jinder Mahal w/Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre]

Bell sounds. Mahal kicks Ziggler a bit, but Ziggler easily manages perform a takedown. He picks Mahal up. Off the ropes, Ziggler goes for a dropkick but Mahal grabs the ropes and runs at Ziggler with a running knee to the face. He covers and gets a two. Mahal picks Ziggler up and hits a suplex for two. Mahal springs off the ropes and drops a knee to the jaw. He tries again and Ziggler with a foot to the face. Ziggler gets back up. Mahal runs at him. Ziggler side steps and catches Mahal with a dropkick for two. Whip, Mahal counters with a scoop slam for two. Mahal goes for a camel clutch submission, but Ziggler slips behind Mahal and hits Zig Zag for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
[Time: 02:28]

Slater and McIntyre enter the ring and attack Ziggler at the same time. Ziggler runs out of the ring and leaps over the ring steps to avoid the 3MB guys. Mahal grabs him from behind. Drew runs and Ziggler ducks causing Mahal to go down. Ziggler with a Zig Zag to Slater! Ziggler stands on top of the announce table and celebrates his victory over 3MB.

Tonight, Cena vs. Del Rio

Up next, a special career retrospective on Mark Henry.


Vickie and Brad Maddox are talking backstage.

Brad: Vickie, why are you stressed? Nothing has gone wrong. It’s a great show.

Vickie: I just can’t believe that the McMahons are so-

Triple H walks over to them.

Triple H: HEY VICKIE! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. You were about to make disparaging remarks about my family? Please continue.

Vickie: Oh no, sir. I would never do that.

Oh, I was mistaken? Oh. Well I want to say you’re doing a great job. You’re listening to the fans. Cena versus Del Rio, Kane versus Randy Orton with Bryan as referee. Very good.

Vickie: Thank you, sir. I’m just stressed because I have to follow orders from Vince and Stephanie and-

Triple H: Let me tell you something from personal experience. Just let them talk it out, and then don’t do anything they say. You do what I say.

Vickie: Y-yes, sir.

Triple H walks off.

A video plays showing Mark Henry’s career in WWE over the years.

Randy Orton comes out and heads to the ring for a match against Kane.


Daniel Bryan is in the ring as the special guest referee for the match.

Orton’s opponent, Kane, comes out next.

[Match 3]
[Special Referee: Daniel Bryan]
[Kane vs. Randy Orton]

Bell sounds. Orton withr gith hands to Kane. He puts him in the corner. Kane grabs Orton by the neck and goes for a right hand, but Orotn ducks and lands headbutts. Bryan separates him. Orton gets distracted and Kane with a jab to the neck. Kane drives a knee into Orton’s chest and stomps on him until Bryan breaks it up. Orton gets up and lands a headbutt. Off the ropes and Kane wityh a back elbow. Kane picks Orton up and snapmares him over followed by a dropkick for two. Kane applies a pressure point hold on the neck. Orton fights out of it, goes off the ropes. Kane grabs him, but Orton slips from his grasp and lands a Lou Thez press. Orton with Garvin stomps to Kane’s legs followed by a knee drop for one. Orton and Kane get up. Kane with jabs to the throat followed by a suplex. Kane with yet another jab to the throat followed by a few elbow drops to the neck. Kane puts Orton against the ropes and kicks him out of the ring. Bryan with the count.

Orton gets up and Kane follows him out. He grabs Orton and throws him into the ring. He gets back in and Orton trips him against the turnbuckle. Orton with punches in the corner. Bryan holds him back but Orton with a clothesline. Orton with punches in the corner again. Bryan pulls him off and Orton gets mad. He argues with Bryan and Bryan calls for the bell! Bryan awards the match to Kane. He raises Kane’s arm.

[Winner via Disqualification: Kane]
[Time: 4:47]

Kane shouts at Bryan to restart the match. Both Orton and Kane yell at Bryan until Bryan gives in and restarts the match.

[Match Restarted]

The bell rings again. Kane goes for a clothesline but Orton with a dropkick that sends Kane out of the ring. The match continues.


Kane has Orton in a headlock. Orton gets to his feet and whips Kane. Kane counters and clotheslines Orton in the corner. Another whip into the corner followed by another clothesline. Kane with a side slam. Kane climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a clothesline off the top, but Orton counters with a dropkick to the midsection. They get up. Orton with two clotheslines. Kane goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks and catches him with a powerslam. Kane rolls onto the apron. Orton grabs Kane and goes for the DDT, but Kane gets to his feet and grabs Orton by the neck for a chokeslam. Orton slip out of it and drops Kane with a reverse neckbreaker. Kane gets on the apron again. Orton grabs him again and nails him with the DDT this time. Orton signals for the RKO! Bryan suddenly gets uin Orton’s face. Orton shoves him aside and Kane with a boot to the face. Bryan makes a super fast three count!

[Winner via Pinfall: Kane]
[Time: 06:33]

Bryan raises Kane’s arm and Kane yells at him for counting fast. Bryan and Kane argue with one another. Kane then grabs Bryan by the neck. He’s tempted to slam him, but lets go and walks away from the ring. Meanwhile, Orton gets behind Bryan. Bryan turns around and Orton with the RKO on Bryan! Orton celebrates.

CM Punk, Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel are backstage.

Punk: I will beat up both Prime Time Players by myself. All Curtis Axel has to do is watch.

Heyman: I understand the strategy and I like it, but what I don’t get is all the hostility with us.

Punk: Paul, you I trust…him, I don’t.

Heyman: Why would you say this? In 2005 I hear the same about you. I used my best judgement and that was good enough for you then. Trust my best judgement. Curtis Axel is worthy of your trust.

Punk looks unsure.

Cena/Del Rio is the main event tonight.


Fandango comes out with his dance partner Summer Raye. The two head to the ring for a match.

His opponent, Sheamus, comes out next.

[Match 4]
[Singles Match]
[Sheamus vs. Fandango w/Summer Raye]

Bell sounds. Sheamus runs at him and Fandango avoids him. He dances a little to taunt him. Sheamus goes for a running kick, but Fandango avoids and dances some more. Fandango goes after him, but Sheamus avoids and does his own little dance before nailing Fandango with a forearm. He whips Fandango into the turnbuckle. Fandango with a boot to the face. He runs at Sheamus and Sheamus counters with a suplex for two. Sheamus chucks Fandango into the turnbuckle and lands right hands. He grabs his opponent and Fandango counters with chops to the chest followed by a clothesline for two. Off the ropes again. He goes for a hip toss but Sheamus with a clothesline followed by a battering ram and a running knee to the face. Fandango leaves the ring. Sheamus grabs him and hurls him into the barricade. He gets back in the ring and grabs Fandango for clobbering blows to the chest, but Fandango with a kick to the head. Fandango enters the ring and Sheamus fights him back. Fandango with another high kick to the head. Fandango stomps on Sheamus and applies an arm/headlock followed by knees to the head.

Sheamus gets to his feet, but Fandango with another knee to the face followed by a headlock. Sheamus gets to his feet, hurls Fandango in the corner and retaliates with right hands. followed by a forearm clothesline. He grabs Fandango and he kicks Sheamus back. He gets on the apron and Sheamus with ten clubbing blows to the chest. Fandango slips out of the ring and retreats to the back with Summer Raye. The referee counts Fandango out.

[Winner via Count Out: Sheamus]
[Time: 06:17]

Champion vs. Champion live tonight.

Up next, The Miz takes on Ryback.


Chris Jericho comes out and heads to the commentary table for the upcoming match.

Ryback comes out and heads to the ring.

His opponent, The Miz, comes out next.

[Match 5]
[Singles Match]
[The Miz vs. Ryback]

Bell sounds. They grapple. Mix ducks Ryback and kicks him in the leg before backing off. Ryback clobbers Miz and pounds down on him. Ryback lifts Miz and throws him down. He grabs Miz by the head and slams his head against the mat over and over again. He stomps on Miz a few times while staring at Chris. Ryback with a snapmare and a kick to the chest. Ryback with right forearm shots.. Miz kicks Ryback off and gets up only for Ryback to clothesline him down. He stands on Miz’s head and squeezes it. Ryback with knees to the back and shoulders. He puts Miz against the middle rope and chokes him with it.Ryback punches Miz and chokes Miz once more. Miz gets up and lands a couple rights, but a single right is enough to take Miz down. Miz gets back up, avoids another attack from Ryback and Miz starting to make a comeback. He goes off the ropes and dropkicks Ryback’s legs. Miz with a running knee to the face followed by a running boot. Miz runs and clotheslines Ryback at the turnbuckle. Miz climbs to the top and leaps off, but Ryback ducks out of the way. Ryback goes for a kick, but Miz trips up Ryback and stomps on the legs. He goes for the figure four, but Ryback kicks him off. Miz traps Ryback in the corner and kicks the leg again and again. Miz runs the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the leg. Ryback yells at the referee to stop the match. Ryback falls to one knee and grabs his leg as the ref calls for the bell.

[Winner via Match Stoppage: The Miz]
[Time: 05:11]

Jericho enters the ring. He waits for Ryback to turn around and gives him The Codebreaker. Jericho stands over Ryback as Miz celebrates his win.

Up next, Mark Henry is here tonight.


Mark Henry comes out and stands on the stage.

Henry: My name is Mark Henry, and i’m known as the strongest man in the world. And I didn’t get that name out of some Crackerjack Box either. I earned it. I earned it cause out of every other kid I was the strongest kid. When I was in Texas breaking world records, I represented the Olympics in 1992. I legitimately retained that status ever since I entered the WWE 17 years ago. I earned the respect of everyone I worked with. But out of this environment comes jealousy. Politics. And a lot of backstabbing. There’s a lot of “accidental” injuries. All these many years i’ve earned it. They…never gave me a legitimate opportunity to be WWE Champion. All the thousands of miles I traveled. All the nights I spent away from my family. All the years that I pretended that I liked the boys. All the years of doing the right thing. Doing the right thing for the business. Well that got me nowhere! Damn it, I deserve to be WWE Champion!

Henry: After all the years that i’ve given o this organization. All the things and all the time I gave to you people, I earned the right to be WWE Champion. Like I said before, you hang on every single word I say. You’re just a bunch of puppets. At the Money in the Bank pay per view, now that I finally have my chance, nobody’s going to keep me down anymore. I’m going to do the right thing alright. I’m going to do the right thing for me. And after I beat John Cena, nobody in the world will be able to deny me. All you people, you’re going to say “God! That Mark Henry, he EARNED that WWE Championship!” Yeah, you’re going to say it. But I want this camera right in my face. I want this to sink in clear. John Cena…at Money in the Bank, i’m going to beat your ass!

Henry heads to the back.

We meet Brad and Vickie backstage watching Henry.

Brad: I wouldn’t want to be Cena right about now.

Vickie: No I wouldn’t-

Vince McMahon walks in

Vickie: Vince! How are you doing?

Vince: I’m having a blast! Did you see Daniel Bryan out there?

Vickie: Yes I did.

Vince glares at her.

Vince: What did I tell you about Daniel Bryan last week? What did I tell you?

Vickie: That he’s small…and has issues.

Vince: So you’re not listening to me, are you? I’ll tell you this, that main event tonight. That’s awesome. Champion versus champion.

Vickie: That was my idea!

Vince: I’m sure it was

Vickie: And your other family members enjoyed it too

Vince: Right, but they don’t understand. Just like you don’t understand. This is a great match, but you’re throwing money away. That match should be on pay per view. You give it away! You give it away for free! Because you don’t understand business. That’s all. Good business. There’s a list a mile long of people excommunicated, fired, or thrown out of my building by me because they wouldn’t listen or do what I say. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Vince leaves.

Up next, Punk and Curtis Axel take on the Prime Time Players.


CM Punk comes out and heads to the ring for his match.

His partner, Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel, comes out and heads to the ring with Paul Heyman by his side.

Their opponents, the Prime Time Players, are already in the ring.

[Match 6]
[Tag Team Match]
[CM Punk & Curtis Axel w/Paul Heyman vs. The Prime Time Players]

Bell sounds. Punk tells Curtis to stay on the apron. He starts off, but Curtis tags himself in. Curtis assures him that he’s got this. Punk scolds him before getting on the apron. Curtis and Darren start off. They grapple. Curtis with an arm drag. Punk asks for the tag already. Curtis puts Darren in the corner and lands right hands. Curtis with a chop to the chest. Whip, counter by Darren and Curtis with a clothesline. Punk yells at him to tag him in. Darren tags Titus in. Titus goes for a scoop slam, but Curtis counters and dropkicks Titus. Punk is telling him to listen to the fans who want him in. Titus gets up and clotheslines Curtis down. He picks Curtis up and slams him down again. Titus tags Darren and suplexes him into Curtis. Darren covers for two. Darren with an uppercut. Tag to Titus. Titus with kicks to the chest. Titus grabs Curtis and applies an abdominal stretch submission. Axel fights out of it. Axel reaches for the tag and Titus simply slams him to the mat again. Titus runs at Axel and Axel counters with a boot to the face. Axel crawls over to his corner and tags Punk. Titus tags Darren. Punk springboard clotheslines Darren, knocks Titus down and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Darren. Punk waits for him to get before hitting a high running knee and a short arm clothesline. Punk climbs to the top and hits the elbow drop. Punk sets up for the GTS. He lifts Darren up and connects. Titus enters the ring and Punk throws him over the top. Curtis blind tags punk, runs in and covers Darren for the three count.

[Winners via Pinfall: Curtis Axel & CM Punk]
[Time: 08:09]

Heyman enters the ring and raises Curtis’ arm. He begs Punk to join in. Punk yells at Heyman that he had the match won himself and leaves the ring. Heyman and Curtis shake hands while Punk looks on from the top of the ramp.

If you didn’t know, Cena is facing Del Rio in a champion vs. champion match.


Alicia Fox is in the ring for a match.

Her opponent, Kaitlyn, heads to the ring with Layla by her side.

[Match 7]
[Singles Match]
[Kaitlyn vs. Alicia Fox]

Bell sounds. They grapple. Fox puts Kaitlyn into the ropes and Kaitlyn with a clothesline. Kaitlyn grabs Foix’s legs and bridges a pin for two. Whip, Fox counters and catches Kaitlyn with a dropkick for two. Another cover and another two count. Fox picks Kaitlyn up and tackles her into the corner. Fox with an elbow to the head followed by a northern lights suplex. for two. Fox covers again and gets another two. Fox off the ropes into a senton flip, but Kaitlyn rolls out of the way and catches Fox with a spear for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Kaitlyn]
[Time: 01:52]

AJ comes out with Big E.

Hi Katie. Last week you tried to assassinate my character and I didn’t appreciate it. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. You’re just trash. I know it. This guy knows it, and all these people are about to know it because I dunno if you remember those modeling pictures you took before WWE when you were broke and young and desperate. Well, I brought one.

A picture is shown of a Photoshopped Kaitlyn’s face on a gat girl’s body.

That is my nightmare tonight. I’m sorry everyone, but this was necessary. I need you to know where you came from. And after Money in the Bank, where you’ll end up again.

AJ skips away.

Vickie and Brad are backstage. Vickie yells at Brad.

Vickie: Just do what I ask!

Stephanie walks over to her.

Vickie: Stephanie! How are you?

Stephanie: I’d be better. What was that? You weren’t even watching the match! I told you to take care of this two weeks ago and you didn’t. Just like I wanted you to announce the Money in the Bank participants, but you didn’t do that either.

Vickie: I tried, but between you and your dad and your husband I can’t take all this pressure. It’s too much!

Stephanie: I know. I understand. One of the best things about Raw is how unpredictable it can be. With so many directions coming from the top it can be rough.

Vickie: Thank you for understanding where i’m coming from. It’s hard for women to work in a male dominating environment. I mean having to deal with Vince and Triple H, those guys can get real crazy you know? And those guys are always back and forth and it’s-

She glares at her.

Stephanie: I don’t appreciate you talking like that about my father and husband. We’re not girlfriends. You need to be more professional. Next week we’re going to give you a job evaluation. And after the evaluation, you could be the official General Manager of Raw, or you could be out of a job. It’s just like Raw. You never know what’s going to happen next.

She leaves. Vickie looks miserable as she brings her hands to her face.


Cody Rhodes comes out and heads to the ring with Damien Sandow. Sandow has a mic.

Sandow: In two weeks time my best friend Cody Rhodes and I will find ourselves in a Money in the Bank ladder match for a championship contract. Despite this, we will remain best friends much to the chagrin of all you mouth breathers.

Cody: He’s right! Damien and I are the last of our kind. Men of character. Fearing any competition, no matter how grand the prize, would be lowering ourselves to your level.

Sandow: SILENCE! You’re welcome!

His opponent, Antonio Cesaro, comes out with Zeb Colter

Zeb: Wake up, America! Whether you were sleeping or watching some reality show, your country was stolen from you and you don’t even know it! Last week Congress proposed a bill that allowed more illegal immigrants. The definition of marriage as we know it is under attack. Privacy and free speech are also under attack! I don’t know what it is about our country that its leaders want to bring it to its knees. Luckily, for Antonio Cesaro and I, we’re not alone in our fight. A real American is back. Jack Swagger!

Jack Swagger comes out and joins Zeb and Cesaro.

Zeb: We come out tonight to draw first blood in this revolution. Everyone here and sitting at home choose your side now, but choose wisely. You’re either with us or against it. Against us, bad choice. We the people!

Cesaro enters the ring with Cody.

[Match 8]
[Singles Match]
[Cody Rhodes w/Damien Sandow vs. Antonio Cesaro w/Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger]

Bell sounds. They grapple. After a break Cody slap Cesaro. Cesaro takes Cody down, lifts him up and gutwrench suplexes him. Cesaro goes for a grab but Cody with a side headlock. Off the ropes, Cody drops down and hits a jab to the throat and rolls up for one. Cody with another headlock. Cesaro goes for a back suplex, but Cody turns into a sunset flip. Cesaro stomps on Cody’s chest. He runs at him and Cody with a boot to the face. He rolls him up and puts his feet on the rope for a two count. Cody rolls out of the ring. Cesaro exits and grabs him from behind. Cody rolls to the apron and drops Cesaro with a jawbreaker. He goes for a suplex, but Cesaro counters, grabs Cody and hits The Neutralizer for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Antonio Cesaro]
[Time: 02:23]

Up next, Cena takes on Del Rio.


The Bella Twins are backstage talking with Eva Marie and JoJo to promote their new E! Reality Show Total Divas. It’s pretty much everything you expect it to be for a Divas segment.

Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt family are making their debut next week.

World Champion Alberto Del Rio comes out and heads to the ring. Ricardo is not there due to injuries he sustained from Ziggler on Smackdown.


CM Punk makes a special appearance on Smackdown this Friday.

His opponent, WWE Champion John Cena, comes out and heads to the ring.

[Match 9]
[Champion vs. Champion]
[John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio]

Bell sounds. They circle each other and grapple. Side headlock and takedown on Cena. Cena gets back up and shoves Del Rio into the ropes. Cena leap frogs and hip tosses Del Rio. Cena with a snapmare takedown into a headlock. Del Rio gets up and shoves Cena into the ropes. Cena with a shoulder block. Off the ropes, Del Rio leap frogs and hip tosses Cena. They grapple again. Cena lifts Del Rio up over his shoulders and Del Rio slips out of it. He exits the ring and collects himself while Cena waits. Del Rio enters the ring. Del Rio with kicks to the leg followed by stomping in the corner. Del Rio runs at Cena and kicks him in the back for a two count. He picks Cena up and goes for a suplex, but Cena counters with his own suplex. Cena punches Del Rio in the corner, whips him into the turnbuckle and hits a running bulldog. Del Rio at the corner. Cena runs at him and hits the ring post shoulder first. Del Rio rolls out of the ring and kicks the wounded arm of Cena. He whips Cena shoulder first into the barricade. He throws Cena into the ring. Del Rio climbs the turnbuckle and waits for him to get up. He leaps off and hits a double axe handle for two. Del Rio stomps on Cena some more. As Cena gets up Del Rio goes for a dropkick, but Cena moves out of the way and Del Rio falls out of the ring.


Del Rio with a headlock on Cena. Cena gets up and slips out of the headlock. Del Rio with a knee to the gut followed by a forearm to the back of the head. He stomps on Cena’s face, then climbs to the top. He leaps off and goes for a top rope move, but Cena with a dropkick to Del Rio. Both men get up. Del Rio goes for a clothesline, but Cena ducks and hits a shoulder tackle. He goes for the second, but Del Rio avoids it and Cena hits the mat. Del Rio then baseball slides him out of the ring. Cena slowly gets to the apron. Del Rio grabs him and Cena with a jawbreaker on the ropes. Cena enters the ring. He hits the two shoulder tackles and goes for the spinning powerbomb, but Del Rio counters with the backstabber for two. Del Rio signals for the Cross Arm Breaker. He grabs Cena, but Cena slips out of it and hits the spinning powerbomb. Cena goes off the ropes and hits Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena picks Del Rio up, but Del Rio counters with a german suplex for two. Del Rio goes for a crescent kick, but Cena counters with a belly to belly for two and a half. Cena climbs the turnbuckle, but Del Rio suddenly gets up and hits Cena with an inzigiri kick and Cena falls to the mat. He covers and gets two and 3/4! Del Rio tries again, but Cena counters. He goes for the STF submission, but Del Rio slips out of it and hits Cena with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. Del Rio gets up and grabs Cena. He puts Cena in a tree or woe position and drives a knee to the stomach. Del Rio runs and Cena sits up causing Del Rio to hits the turnbuckle shoulder first.

Cena sets himself up on the turnbuckle. Del Rio gets up and Cena with a cross body off the top for two and 7/8th! They both get up. Cena lifts Del Rio and goes for AA, but Del Rio counters with the Cross Arm Breaker. Cena rolls through and applies the STF submission on Del Rio! Mark Henry comes out and makes his way to the ring. Cena gets up and watches him walk around the ringside area. Del Rio rolls up Cena from behind for two. Del Rio with the crescent kick to the head for another two count. Ziggler runs down and climbs the turnbuckle! Del Rio doesn’t see him. When he does the distraction is long enough for Cena to lift Del Rio up and hit Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: John Cena]
[Time: 15:51]

Ziggler heads to the back satisfied with the distraction. As Cena celebrates, Henry grabs the WWE Championship from the timekeeper and enters the ring with it. Cena is ready to fight again. Henry fakes a lunge and laughs. He throws the title down at Cena’s feet. Cena goes to pick it up and Henry fakes him out again startling him. Henry smirks and exits the ring. As Cena watches Henry leave he holds the title over his head.

Another Bray Wyatt promo plays and the show comes to an end.