JoJo’s Mom Reveals She Was “Slipping Away” Whilst Giving Birth

July 27, 2021 Off By HotelSalesCareers

JoJo’s mom has provided some details regarding the birth of JoJo and Bray Wyatt’s child, Knash Rotunda, sharing a scary story from the birth.

She admitted that JoJo was actually “slipping away” whilst giving birth due to complications, praising Wyatt for his role during it all.

She wrote, “There were complications before birth but my girl was a courageous trooper and delivered our their beautiful baby that filled the room with Joy, both of us grandmas and mommy and daddy were ecstatically happy! About 20 minutes later the most terrifying moments for us, JoJo was hemorrhaging and as I held her hands I felt her life slipping away, Thank God and these amazing doctors were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize her!”

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Welcome to the world my precious baby Knash May The Lord always bless you… As I share these beautiful moments with you I would also like to share the story of the most terrifying moments of our lives preceding the birth…baby Knash was prematurely born, Joseann had a severe case of preeclampsia that led to her being hospitalized and induced to give birth! There were complications before birth but my girl was a courageous trooper and delivered our their beautiful baby that filled the room with Joy, both of us grandmas and mommy and daddy were ecstatically happy! About 20 minutes later the most terrifying moments for us, JoJo was hemorrhaging and as I held her hands I felt her life slipping away, Thank God and these amazing doctors were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize her! I am still shaking… I am also so thankful to Windham’s mom Steph for holding me up during this whole ordeal, thank you to the medical staff and of course a HUGE props to a great man, a beautiful soul with an even more beautiful heart @thewindhamrotunda He has been by my daughters side 24 hours a day! Very supportive and loving! Windham if I loved you before just know that I love you even more now! You’re a special man…mommy and baby are doing good🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽#EclampsiaAwareness thank you for well wishes in advance! ❤️❤️

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