Rotork adds new features to the intelligent IQ3 Pro range

November 24, 2024 Off By

#Product Trends

Rotork adds new features to the intelligent IQ3 Pro range

Rotork is excited to announce that new features have been added to the industry-leading IQ3 Pro range of intelligent actuators.

The new features include increased speeds for the IQT3F Pro electric modulating actuators, independent open/close speeds for part-turn actuators and closed-loop control for the multi-turn and part-turn actuators.

The optional increased speed for the IQT3F Pro electric modulating actuators is available for sizes 50, 100 and 125. Adjustable speed, including a slow mode for accurate positioning and a high-speed option where faster speeds are required, making them suitable for choke valve applications.

With the independent open/close speeds, customers can configure IQ3 Pro part-turn actuators’ speed settings for clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation.

Another feature added is closed-loop control. Closed-loop control takes the on-off/bang-bang control or PID control methodologies that are typically used in a PLC or discrete PID controller and incorporates them into the range. Multi-turn non-modulating IQ3 Pro actuators use a setpoint positioning method known as “bang-bang”, while part-turn IQT3 Pro and IQ3M Pro actuators use the PID closed-loop control method.

The IQ3 Pro range valve actuators are robust, flexible, and reliable. They have a double-sealed enclosure, ‘non-intrusive’ commissioning, and predictive maintenance capabilities using the in-built data loggers. Control and commissioning can be done via a Rotork app, Bluetooth® Setting Tool Pro, or local control knobs. Data logs can be downloaded to the app, then exported to Insight 2 or sent via Rotork’s cloud-based intelligent asset management (iAM) system.

The functionality and reliability is available for valves of virtually every size and description, including multi-turn, part-turn, linear, isolating and modulating, with watertight and hazardous area approvals to all internationally recognised standards.

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