Austrian region issues ‘Ten commandments for asylum-seekers’

May 15, 2019 Off By HotelSalesCareers

An Austrian region is to require all asylum-seekers to sign up to its own version of the ten commandments.

Asylum-seekers resident in Lower Austria will be obliged to sign a document prepared by the regional government entitled the “Ten Commandments of Immigration”.

As well as commitments to learn German and respect Austrian values, it includes a “commandment” that asylum-seekers should “live in gratitude to Austria” for taking them in.

The document is an initiative of the far-Right Freedom Party (FPÖ). It was drawn up on the orders of Gottfried Waldhäusl, regional asylum minister in the coalition government of Lower Austria, the second most populous Austrian state.

Mr Waldhäusl told a press conference on Monday his “commandments” would help asylum-seekers integrate into Austrian society, but political opponents have condemned them as deliberately provocative.

The “commandments” include that asylum-seekers must educate their children according to Austrian values, respect religious freedom and avoid inflicting unnecessary suffering on animals.

But it is the document’s tenth commandment, which states that asylum-seekers must “live in gratitude to Austria”, that has generated most controversy.

“It’s common sense. We give these people protection and everything they need, and we also expect a certain amount of gratitude,” Mr Waldhäusl said on Monday.

He said there would be no enforcement of the ten commandments, and no penalties for non-compliance.

Political rivals dismissed the scheme as a publicity stunt. “Every asylum-seeker already receives comprehensive documents on rights and obligations,” said Bernhard Ebner, a regional politician from the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) of chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

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“The ten commandments for immigrants have the sole purpose of distracting from the chaos and criminal investigations surrounding Mr Waldhäusl’s office, because there are already value courses and an integration agreement,” said Indra Collini of the oppositions Neos party.

All asylum-seekers in Austria are already required to sign a declaration that they will integrate in society, and to attend courses in the German language and Austrian values.

It is not the first time Mr Waldhäusl has been involved in controversy. Last year he came under fire when he called for “special treatment” for uncooperative asylum-seekers — a term that was used as a Nazi euphemism for political murder.

His office is currently under investigation by Austrian prosecutors on suspicion of corruption.