#WomenDisobey: Hundreds of Demonstrators Arrested on Capitol Hill for Protesting Cruel Child, Family Detention

September 19, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

Hundreds of women were arrested on Thursday at a mass demonstration in Washington, D.C., rallying against the Trump administration’s continued separation of families and the criminalization of asylum seekers at the southern U.S. border.

Wrapping themselves in foil blankets like those seen in images of children’s detention centers, nearly 600 protesters were arrested and charged with unlawfully demonstrating at the Hart Senate Office Building starting at around 3:15pm.

Earlier, the women had shut down streets surrounding Capitol Hill, chanting, “We care!” in reference to First Lady Melania Trump’s recent clothing choice while traveling to visit a detention center in Texas.

They also made stops outside the Trump International Hotel and marched past the Department of Justice, where police officers guarded the doors.