A warm welcome (as usual)

April 4, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

A warm welcome (as usual)


Celebrating the opening of the London offices of the European Commission and European Parliament.

William Hague, the UK’s foreign minister, showed up at the official opening of the London offices of the European Commission and European Parliament on Monday (6 December), but he hid his Euro-enthusiasm well.

Jerzy Buzek, president of the Parliament, and Siim Kallas, a vice-president of the Commission, also attended the opening ceremony of Europe House. So they were in the audience as Hague told the EU not to live beyond its means.

“We look to all EU institutions to join us in effective and rigorous control of spending,” he told the guests.

The Commission and Parliament spent around €24 million on buying and renovating the building in Smith Square, Westminster, which used to be the headquarters of the Conservative Party. The building, located near the houses of parliament, was where Margaret Thatcher celebrated her three election victories.

Buzek said he would “be waving from the first-floor window like Margaret Thatcher did” if it helped sell the EU to citizens in the UK. He would be better advised to leave the Thatcher impersonations to Hague.

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