Author: HotelSalesCareers

The Struggles of a $40 Million Nutrition Science Crusade

Editor’s note: Since this story's publication WIRED has made several clarifications and corrections, which are described at the bottom of this piece. On Monday night Gary Taubes will begin his second transatlantic trip in a week—from Zurich to Aspen—then eventually head back to Oakland, which he calls home. The crusading science journalist best known for…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off

Biology Will Be the Next Great Computing Platform

In some ways, Synthego looks like any other Silicon Valley startup. Inside its beige business park facilities, a five-minute drive from Facebook HQ, rows of nondescript black server racks whir and blink and vent. But inside the metal shelving, the company isn’t pushing around ones and zeros to keep the internet running. It’s making molecules…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off