Category: News

What to do if you’ve been made redundant: a guide

Image credits: Getty Images.  According to recruitment website Seek, one in four Australians will be made redundant over the course of their career. While the term can feel a little taboo, the truth is that it’s common, and part of the professional circle of life. That’s not to say though that it isn’t traumatic. It is…

By HotelSalesCareers June 14, 2019 Off

Inside a fairytale Californian wedding

Ashley Kristen Rosati and Jordan Grant Press crossed paths without knowing, before they fell in love. “Jordan and I met in Los Angeles, through a mutual friend back in 2013. Little fun fact: we both went to the same college and his best friend lived on my dorm floor freshman year, but we never crossed…

By HotelSalesCareers June 14, 2019 Off

Is 2019 the year of women’s football?

Share 12th Jun 2019 Were Lily Parr alive today, certain strands of the media might have dubbed her a “girl boss”. Six feet tall and built like a tank, she smoked Woodbines, drank liquor, and worked in a munitions factory during the first World War, later retraining as a nurse. Remarkably for a woman living…

By HotelSalesCareers June 13, 2019 Off