Chris Jericho Talks Disagreeing With Triple H Over The Festival of Friendship Segment on WWE Raw

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Chris Jericho recently appeared on Inside the Ropes, where he talked about a wide variety of pro wrestling topics. One of those topics was the infamous “Festival of Friendship” which took place on February 13, 2017.

The segment aired on Monday Night Raw and featured Jericho giving Kevin Owens an outpouring of emotion as he celebrated their friendship together. During the segment, KO was obviously frustrated but Jericho was oblivious to it. Chris showered Owens with gifts until KO presented Jericho with a gift as well. That gift was a new list, which included Jericho’s name.

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The attack that followed garnered huge praise from WWE fans, who loved the segment. But Jericho revealed that Triple H was not a fan of the spot going into that Raw on February 17.

“One of the best segments in Raw history, people say. And I had to fight for that. Vince was not there that week and all the stuff we agreed on was changed. and I had to fight back. Me and Triple H were not in a good agreement. And I was like ‘you’re wrong.’ He’s like ‘you’re wrong. I was like ‘it’s my segment, it’s my show.’ ‘It’s not your show, it’s Vince’s show,’ blah blah blah.”

But the Festival of Friendship did go as Jericho had planned it and in the end, Triple H was definitely onboard with the segment.

“Finally, when it went the way that we did it and the way I envisioned it, he texted me later and said ‘that was amazing, it was great.’”

Chris also said that he wanted the segment to go from a 1980’s David Lee Roth video to Game of Thrones: Red Wedding. He wanted that shocking, unsettling transition from laughter to despair and he got exactly that. To this day, the Festival of Friendship remains one of the most entertaining yet riveting segments in the careers of both Jericho and Owens, as well as Monday Night Raw.