Commission support for Kallas reforms

March 23, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

Commission support for Kallas reforms

Commission review clears the way for white paper for cleaner transport.



A blueprint for a less polluting and more competitive transport system sailed through the European Commission’s internal review process this week, clearing the way for its official launch on Monday (28 March).

The white paper, drafted by Siim Kallas, the European commissioner for transport, has changed little since European Voice reported on the final draft in last week’s issue (17-23 March).

The big ideas include breaking transport’s dependence on oil, and sweeping away economic barriers from rail monopolies inside the EU to restrictions on European companies’ ability to invest in foreign aviation firms outside the EU.

When the heads of European commissioners’ private offices met on Monday (21 March), they agreed on a handful of cosmetic changes, according to sources familiar with the discussions.


One mildly contentious point centred on revising EU rules on maximum lorry size. The issue of allowing ‘megatrucks’ – vehicles longer than 25 metres – on EU roads has been simmering for several years. Currently these are permitted only in a handful of northern member states.

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The Commission’s transport department, which wants to stay neutral on revising the law, was cautioned by other departments not to change the rules without a detailed assessment.

The general consensus means that the white paper will be adopted without further discussion. This outcome is likely to disappoint green transport campaigners. “The twin challenges of climate change and oil dependence strongly call for more urgent action,” said Jos Dings, director of Transport and Environment, in a letter to Kallas last week.

Jennifer Rankin