Congress Accused of 'Moral Cowardice' for Enabling Endless War in Iraq and Syria

October 9, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

The U.S. House Representatives is being accused of cowardice after voting down a bill on Wednesday that would have forced them to take responsibility for the ten-month-old war in Syria and Iraq by mandating a vote for or against its authorization.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to shut down debate on the war against ISIS by rejecting a bipartisan resolution that would have forced Congress to make a decision about whether or not to authorize the ten-month-old military intervention.

“It’s a sad statement that it took this type of effort to force Congress to debate a war that is nearly a year old.” —Stephen Miles, Win Without War

Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.), and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) earlier this month invoked a procedure under the 1973 War Powers Resolution to introduce the legislation, which would have forced the U.S. to withdraw most troops from Iraq and Syria by the end of this year at the latest. If passed, the measure would have pushed Congress to make an explicit decision within the next six months about whether to wage the war.

Apparently, this is not a decision that Congress is interested in making.

The proposal was defeated 139-288, with almost all Republicans and 66 Democrats voting against the bill.

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