Deepest-ever sub dive in Mariana Trench reveals rubbish littering ocean floor

May 15, 2019 Off By HotelSalesCareers

On the deepest dive ever made by a human inside a submarine, a Texas investor and explorer found something he could have found in the gutter of nearly any street in the world: rubbish.

Victor Vescovo, a retired naval officer, said he made the unsettling discovery as he descended nearly 6.8 miles (35,853 feet/10,928 meters) to a point in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench that is the deepest place on Earth. His dive went 52 feet (16 meters) lower than the previous deepest descent in the trench in 1960.

Mr Vescovo found undiscovered species as he visited places no human had gone before. On one occasion he spent four hours on the floor of the trench, viewing sea life ranging from shrimp-like anthropods with long legs and antennae to translucent "sea pigs" similar to a sea cucumber.

He also saw angular metal or plastic objects, one with writing on it.

"It was very disappointing to see obvious human contamination of the deepest point in the ocean," Mr Vescovo told Reuters.

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Plastic waste has reached epidemic proportions in the world’s oceans with an estimated 100 million tonnes dumped there to date, according to the United Nations. Scientists have found large amounts of micro plastic in the guts of deep-dwelling ocean mammals like whales.

A report published on Tuesday, one of the first to document the impact of discarded plastic on the health of the poorest people in the world, estimates that between 400,000 and one million people die every year because of diseases and accidents linked to poorly managed waste in developing countries.

Mr Vescovo hoped his discovery of rubbish in the Mariana Trench would raise awareness about dumping in the oceans and pressure governments to better enforce existing regulations, or put new ones in place.

"It’s not a big garbage collection pool, even though it’s treated as such," Mr Vescovo said of the worlds’ oceans.

His discovery comes a year after a study revealed how human activities were affecting deep-sea ecosystems.

Scientists from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology in Yokosuka found a plastic bag while exploring the deep trench. Other waste found by the probe include metal, rubber, fishing gear, glass and various other man-made items.

In the last three weeks, the expedition has made four dives in the Mariana Trench in his submarine, "DSV Limiting Factor," collecting biological and rock samples.

It was the third time humans have dived to the deepest point in the ocean, known as Challenger Deep. Canadian movie maker James Cameron was the last to visit in 2012 in his submarine, reaching a depth of 35,787 feet (10,908 meters).

Prior to Cameron’s dive, the first-ever expedition to Challenger Deep was made by the U.S. Navy in 1960, reaching a depth of 10,912 meters