Dissatisfaction with Belgian authorities’ response to terror
A Belgian soldier patrols outside Brussels Central Station as people are allowed in small groups of ten to reach the station in order to take their commuter train following attacks in Brussels on March 22, 2016.
Dissatisfaction with Belgian authorities’ response to terror
Playbook readers are mostly frustrated with the political and security handling of the 2016 attacks
Playbook asked readers what they thought of the Brussels, Belgian and EU-level responses to the 2016 Brussels terrorist attacks.
While you had praise for emergency workers (when they arrived, which was late in the case of the Maalbeek explosion) few of you were impressed with political leaders. Here’s what you told us.
“It looked like amateurs trying to cover up their mistakes.” European Commission official
“I take my hat off to the emergency services and the soldiers patrolling our streets, but I definitely don’t think that high-level authorities and policymakers have done enough.” Meabh Maguire
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“The Belgian authorities were not ready for such events and I doubt that they are more ready now.” European Parliament assistant.
“I cannot identify a real response – at least not a public one … Where, even, are the memorials?” Office worker overlooking Maalbeek metro
“I am still astonished that the public transportation continued to run after the bombs detonated in the airport. How could that possibly happen? I can’t stop thinking of the lives that could have been saved. The response of the Belgian authorities (especially the government) was ridiculous.” Anonymous
“I understand that the main focus has been on improvement of information flows between countries which is rather invisible but absolutely a good thing.” Office worker, Rue de la Loi.
“It would be easy today to repeat the attacks of last year.” European External Action Service official
“We glossed over it on the day after and continued glossing over it. No profound reflection, no public debate, no action.” Anonymous
“I believe the EU authorities need to put more political pressure on the Belgian politicians to get their act together.” EU official
“It’s disturbing to see soldiers on the streets, but in a way it makes you feel safer. I’m impressed with how they’ve caught people suspected of being involved. I’m most concerned about the current discourse that this has given rise too – the rise of casual racism and divisiveness.”
“In the immediate aftermath the emergency services were amazing.” Latvian diplomat
“I personally feel that there are matters far more urgent and worrying than terrorism, despite the fact that it struck so close to home: climate change, air pollution, inequality, rising discrimination and violence. I wish the authorities were more worried about that” Anonymous
“Belgium is a delusional state, inefficient and incapable of dealing with even secondary security issues. Belgian police is unprepared and ignorant. EU-institutions have shown lack of coordination and will to resolve this issue” Anonymous
“Total shutdown was OK — the way they went back to Business as usual seemed random.” Commuter outside Maalbeek metro station
“Can you get used to the daily presence of the army in the streets? It seems you can. It reinforces a feeling of security but still it does not respond to the challenge of a common EU control of the external borders and more efficient sharing of intelligence within the EU.” EU official
“Letting all public transport run freely right after an airport is bombed is the only decision I would really question. These kinds of attacks are often coordinated and not isolated incidents, as the Paris attacks just 4 months prior also showed.” Anonymous
“I don’t believe in the militarisation of our society. It creates a false sense of security for some.” Anonymous
“I also found it disappointing that the police officers who failed to pass on the information as to the terrorists’ whereabouts were not charged with a crime of omission, even though it was initially declared that they may be charged with this crime. They have essentially gotten away with not doing their job of keeping people safe as they have received no punishment.” Anonymous