January issue of 220 Triathlon on sale now

May 7, 2021 Off By HotelSalesCareers

The first 220 Triathlon magazine of 2016 went on sale today, featuring a bumper guide to off-road triathlon and some handy winter training ideas. 


Other highlights in this month’s issue include:

The Ultimate Tri Ultra athlete Luke Tyburski shares his multisporting journey from Morocco to Monaco – 2,000km, 4 countries, 12 days

We follow Luke Tyburski on his mission to complete the ultimate triathlon, a 2000km journey across four countries

Gear focus: Fitness monitors 
We delve into the ever-expanding market for wearable fitness trackers

Performance Swim drills for time-stretched triathletes; 30min high-end turbo session; building up run pace whilst maintaining good form

Competition This month you could win a brand spanking new set of Edco carbon wheels worth £999!

Free 2016 calendar This issue comes with a free 2016 race calendar, so you can start planning your season! The calendar features some incredible shots of the best triathlons from around the world, a month-by-month planner and the most comprehensive list of UK multisport races available.

Test centre Simply the most comprehensive triathlon review resource available: run watches, swim jammers and winter gear grouptests; Felt IA3 tri bike review; all the latest tri gear tested
