Ousted Leader Speaks as Ukraine Tensions Soar Higher

October 22, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers


Tensions in Ukraine saw no sign of easing Friday.

Overnight, armed men in uniforms “resembling Russian uniforms,” took control over two airports in Crimea, creating new tensions about possible Russian intervention.

Meanwhile, deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych held a news conference in Russia—his first public appearance since his ouster last week—in which he maintained he was still “the legitimate president of Ukraine.”

Twitter continued to capture live coverage of the fast-moving events inside Ukraine and reactions in the international community:

Tweets from https://twitter.com/commondreams/on-ukraine

Friday’s airport takeover followed the storming of the Crimean parliament building in the city of Simferopol on Thursday by pro-Russian protesters. The Ukraine peninsula of Crimea has largely shown support for the ousted Yanukovych in opposition to what they call a ‘coup’ orchestrated by anti-democratic elements, western interference, and neo-fascists in Kiev.