Prince George’s school friends have to pass a background check to have play dates with the royal

September 18, 2019 Off By HotelSalesCareers


18th Sep 2019

When it comes to protection, it goes without saying that each member of the British royal family must take lengthy security measures when it comes to interactions with the public.

Prince William and Kate Middleton select holiday destinations for themselves and their family with privacy in mind. Case in point: the private island of Mustique is a regular holiday destination for the Cambridge family, as it keeps the prying eyes of the paparazzi at a distance along with having a strict no-fly zone over the island.

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, has even been issued a personal chief protection officer in addition to the Royalty and Specialist Protection Command. Not to mention that any nanny that comes in contact with the royal children—including the Cambridge’s nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo—must be a graduate of Norland College in Bath, a famous training institute for caretakers of England’s most prominent families.

So when we heard of the security protocol that’s been put in place for even the most innocent of Prince George’s childhood activities, we weren’t entirely shocked.

The third-in-line for the British throne attends private school Thomas’s Battersea in South West London with newly-minted pupil and sister, Princess Charlotte, and has already earned a nickname from his school mates—PG, according to The Mirror—and established a group of friends in his two years at the school.

“Kate and William are delighted that George is getting on so well at school and that he’s made friends,” a source told The Sun. The insider continued, saying, “Just like any normal child, he has invited a few of his mates on play dates.” However, play dates with the Prince aren’t exactly your run-of-the-mill after-school get together.

“Most school kids don’t go somewhere like Kensington Palace to see their friends out of lessons. It is wonderful for them—and their parents—to go to such a beautiful and historic palace and have the run of the place,” the source reportedly revealed to The Sun.

But with the grandeur of the historical residence and Prince George’s royal title comes comprehensive security measures for any and all who wish to visit the prince at his home. “It does involve a bit more planning than a normal play date, as everyone visiting the palace has to be security vetted,” the source told The Sun.

Just like Kris Jenner, and the stack of NDAs she keeps in her foyer for entering guests to sign, the British royals have their own ways of legally clearing anyone who walks through palace gates.

It was also reported earlier in the year that the prince gathered a small group of his school friends to celebrate his sixth birthday in London, leaving us wondering if party guests brought a copy of their background checks to hand in along with their gifts.

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