Scahill and Rowley's "Dirty Wars" Nominated for Best Documentary Film
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The documentary film “Dirty Wars,” featuring independent journalist Jeremy Scahill whose book of the same name explores the rise of the U.S military’s secret war against global terrorism in the aftermath of 9/11, has been nominated for this year’s Academy Award in the Best Feature Documentary category.
Announced Thursday, the nomination will likely elevate the profile of the film, its director Rick Rowley, and the investigative work of Scahill that has tracked the use of drones, assassination squads, and other controversial military strategies employed by both the Bush and Obama administrations.
As Scahill himself expressed when the film was placed on the Oscar short list:
Here’s the official list of nominees as posted to the Oscar’s website:
Assuming he was responding to the news, Scahill’s initial reaction was succinct:
Soon after, he added:
Watch the film’s trailer:
And here is Scahill and Rowley appearing together on Democracy Now! to discuss the film in early 2013:
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