Resurrecting a Long-Lost Galapagos Giant Tortoise

If you go to Floreana Island, in the Galapagos, you can still see descendants of the giant tortoises that Darwin documented in the 19th century when he visited these islands. From the dock, just weave between indolent sea lions and impassive ruby-red marine iguanas and ask around for the truck to the highlands. It’ll be…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off

The Astounding Engineering Behind the World's Largest Optical Telescope

It's easy to miss the mirror forge at the University of Arizona. While sizable, the Richard F. Caris Mirror Laboratory sits in the shadow of the university's much larger 56,000-seat football stadium. Even its most distinctive feature—an octagonal concrete prominence emblazoned with the school's logo—looks like an architectural feature for the arena next door. But…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off

What Climate-Conscious Cities Can Learn From Each Other

This story originally appeared on CityLab and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration. In many ways, Essen is the envy of cities trying to move past their industrial days. Once the steel and coal center of Germany, Essen’s economic success in the early 20th century was evident in the dust blanketing the city and sulfur filling the air…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off

What if America Had a Detective Agency for Disasters?

The commissions are coming. Hurricane season hasn’t ended, but forensics waits for no one, so the after-action reports on Harvey and Irma have to get started. The relevant agencies—local and perhaps federal, plus maybe some national academies and disaster responders—will all no doubt look at themselves and others to see what went right or wrong.…

By HotelSalesCareers March 20, 2019 Off