Telepathy, Blinking Help Coax Cougar From OR Home, Woman Says

May 16, 2020 Off By HotelSalesCareers

ASHLAND, OR — An Oregon woman had quite a surprise earlier in July, after a cougar walked into her Ashland home. “This is wild,” Lauren Taylor said in her July 7 Facebook post. The ordeal took several hours, and she in part thanked telepathy for the peaceful nature of the experience.

The photos of the big cat show it to be calm or napping, lacking any aggressive tells. Taylor said she was urged to mention her experience “working with energy and animals,” and added a disclaimer about not interacting with mountain lions.

Taylor noted that blinking at the cougar slowly, an action felines use to show trust, according to WebMD.

At one point, the cougar was sleeping behind her couch. Taylor went outside and saw it through a window. “When I made noise, she woke up and looked startled so I consciously raised my frequency, gazed lovingly into her eyes, and communicated using feline-speak eye blinking to calm her. It was amazing to realize that this worked,” Taylor said in the Facebook post.

“I gazed lovingly then blinked hard and then she did it back! Then, she went back to sleep,” Taylor said.

As dawn approached, Taylor said, they wanted to get the cougar out, but peacefully. Here’s how she did it, according to the post:

“I sent telepathic pictures of the routes out of the house via open doors and the route out the backyard, across the creek, through an open field, and back up into the hills. We got guidance that the way to rouse her and get her to leave her safe spot behind the sofa without panicking was through drumming.

“We called in native ancestors’ support and started drumming. She roused and knew just what to do…. walking out through the open doors, through the yard, across the creek, and through the empty field behind us exactly as we had shown her.”

Taylor is using the opportunity to teach people about “frequency and attunement,” she said. “Cats are extremely psychic and perceptive of energy and this lion could have been dangerous in an energy field of fear or anger.”

A housemate came downstairs, Taylor said, causing the cougar to become alert again. Taylor instructed the housemate to blink like she did, calming the cat down again, she said.

“It was a perfect ending to a blessed encounter that could have been dangerous if approached from a lower frequency. Thank you for seeing and honoring the spirit of the encounter and this beautiful and powerful animal,” she closed.

Article image via Shutterstock

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