The founder of Mukti Organics knew we wanted natural beauty products before we did
13th Sep 2019
From clean eating to clean beauty, going back to nature by selecting products and foods sans chemicals is fast becoming the lifestyle norm in 2019. But, it wasn’t always that way.
Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s when fast cars, fast food, flashy excess and plastic everything was still king, anything natural was seen as something only hippies clinging to the ‘70s would buy into. But, as Australian clean beauty pioneer, Mukti from Mukti Organics, shared with Vogue, when she was doing a facial one day she realised there was — or would be — demand for natural, clean beauty products — even if the beauty industry and consumers didn’t know it yet.
Mukti launched her eponymous clean beauty brand in 2000 and recently moved into the growing ingestible space with the launch of Mukti Organics’s first beauty supplement, Bioactive Collagen Booster.
Here, Mukti shares her story of how she went about launching and building a brand in the clean beauty space, before the space even really existed.
Please share your career background prior to launching Mukti Organics.
“I have always been self-employed and put myself through college working as a remedial massage therapist. My interest has always been in the health and wellness sector. At one stage I worked with one of Brisbane’s top naturopaths. I also studied make-up and ran a few TAFE courses teaching make-up. My background also involves the study of complementary medicine, I am fascinated by the healing power of plants. I have also studied cosmetic formulating which, as the formulator for the brand, has been critical in expanding our product offering.”
Tell us the story behind launching Mukti Organics — was there a light-bulb moment?
“Yes, there was a light-bulb moment. I was performing a facial on a client and she asked me what products I was using. This was back before the turn of the century and before there was even a certified organic accreditation for skincare.
I was using a variety of products and as clichéd as it sounds now, it’s truthful to say that (back then), there wasn’t a great array of products to choose from that fit my criteria of clean beauty. I recognised a white space and set about researching whatever I could find to create some staple product lines that I could use on myself and my clients. With a preliminary understanding of science and plants and their potential benefits on health and wellness. In my naivety, I thought it would be a simple task. I promised this client some products and I had to deliver.”
What were the biggest challenges you faced launching Mukti Organics, and how did you overcome them?
“My biggest challenges were lack of industry information and lack of choice to create clean formulations. There was very little information and external support. I had to figure it all out. This was in the infancy of the internet and information wasn’t readily available — at your fingertips or with the push of a button.
It was arduous and traditional cosmetic chemists refuted the idea that you could make efficacious ‘natural’ products. There wasn’t a great deal of information available in relation to ‘green chemistry’ so there was a lot of trial and error in the early days of formulating. Looking back, I guess I was one of the pioneers in this area of beauty, particularly in Australia. Back then, there were very few raw materials that I could use especially in relation to emulsifiers, surfactants and preservatives. Natural preservation was virtually unheard of.
I intrinsically knew that in time the industry would evolve, new ingredients were slowly being discussed, and the public was quietly questioning what they were putting on their skin. I knew by relentlessly pursuing all avenues, and staying abreast of the latest plant-based discoveries, I could make a difference, and be a part of a shift in the skincare industry. That is still a driving force. To prove to the world that organic skincare products are efficacious, with zero minimal or no side effects on your health or the environment. They don’t just rival their synthetic counterparts, they can in fact be more effective.
Today, with the right components and capital, a brand can become an overnight success. I had no start-up capital; it has been 100 per cent boot-strapping since inception. This has been my greatest teacher in relation to creativity. It made me grow at a sustainable pace.”
What are the best and worst parts of having your own business?
“Creative freedom is the best part. The ability to create the very things you wish existed. For the last year I have been working on a new collagen product, as I myself was seeking a premium marine collagen-based supplement which had additional skin-supporting ingredients. I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted, so I spent time researching and sourcing to formulate the most incredible skin supporting product I believe is possible. I have no doubt it will be a total game-changer in our consumers’ skincare regime[n].
Being a leader comes with its challenges. Cash flow is a delicate dance and balance. Constantly having to reinvent and stay ahead of the game because everything is so visually driven.
Working with my eldest daughter is a beautiful bonus, Kiyana manages our social media and so works by my side. Travelling and visiting new markets is stimulating and exciting.
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I am also the person who opens and reads every single customer review that is submitted to us, hearing the results, the changes we have made to people’s lives is indescribable. Skin concerns can put people on an emotional roller coaster. To change that feeling of insecurity, fear, shyness, worry and confusion that can come with a person’s skin problem literally makes me jump out of bed each day.”
What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur hoping to launch their own beauty brand?
“It’s important to define a point of difference in such a saturated and busy market sector. There are a lot of ‘cosmetic formulators’ who have studied online courses and [are] hoping to enter the beauty market. You need considerable capital and a lot of tenacity and resilience. You will need to work long hours and to cover every aspect of the business yourself in start-up phases. Be very clear about your expectations and motivations as to why you want to launch a beauty brand. There is no such thing as an overnight success! And of course, listen to your gut.”