Warning over global failure to act on deaths from drug-resistant TB

May 10, 2019 Off By HotelSalesCareers

The spiralling number of deaths from drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is set to cost the world economy nearly $20billion annually.

A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit warned that despite the fact that DR-TB is a huge global health threat, the fight against the disease lags behind others in terms of both money and attention.

In low and middle-income countries, where 97 per cent of the TB cases took place in 2018, there was an estimated $3.5billion shortfall in the total $10billion budget required to address the disease. 

TB receives about an eighth of the amount of international funding that HIV does, and about half of the funding of malaria.

There were 230,000 deaths from DR-TB in 2017, compared to 49,500 in 2014, and the EIU report estimates that deaths attributed to DR-TB in one year will cost the global economy at least $17.8 billion in future GDP loss.

Work absences caused by people having treatment for DR-TB were estimated to have resulted in a loss to global GDP of at least $3 billion in 2018 alone.

Global health – Tuberculosis is the biggest infectious disease

The EIU and Johnson and Johnson report called for the disease to be treated as a public health emergency and said $9 billion was needed to develop new drugs, diagnostics and vaccines.

TB is the world’s leading infectious killer, responsible for 1.6 million deaths worldwide in 2017, with drug-resistant forms of the disease, when the infection does not respond to medicines, threatening control efforts in many parts of the world.

Last year the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on TB said ending the disease was a global priority after progress against the disease has stalled in recent years.

Drug resistance develops for a number of reasons: for example, when patients fail to complete the notoriously gruelling treatment or because of the prescription of poor-quality drugs. But DR-TB can also pass from person to person.

According to the EIU report more than 50 per cent of DR-TB cases occur in India, China, Russia and South Africa.

India has the highest burden with 24 per cent of infections and the EIU estimates the disease cost the country $5.6 billion in 2017.

In 2012 only 15 per cent of DR-TB cases in India were caused by person-to-person transmission but the EIU predicts that if the disease is not contained this could rise to 85 per cent by 2032.

Cat Oyler, vice president of global public health at Johnson & Johnson, urged the international community to wake up to the threat posed by DR-TB.

Tuberculosis | The facts

“We’ve seen what’s possible when the world comes together to combat a public health challenge – take Ebola, for example,” Ms Oyler told the Telegraph.

“When Ebola struck in West Africa, the global community came together and mobilised resources to mount an effective response, including by developing and deploying new scientific innovations. We need to do the same thing for DR-TB.”

Ms Oyler’s warning comes a week after a United Nations report warned of the devastating consequences of AMR if the world fails to act, including the loss of 10m lives a year by 2050. In 2017, DR-TB caused one-third of all AMR deaths.

“Anti-microbial resistance has been in the headlines lately – but DR-TB, an airborne infectious disease that causes one-third of all AMR-related deaths, is conspicuously absent from these conversations,” said Ms Oyler.

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Dr Grania Brigden, deputy director at the International Union against TB and Lung Disease and a contributor to the report, said: “The figures in this report are alarming and provide sound economic basis for increasing investment into TB now.

"When we consider that these numbers are based on conservative estimates – they do not capture losses linked to the estimated 400,000 people with DR-TB who go undiagnosed or untreated, or the 70,000 undocumented deaths caused by DR-TB – the potential total effect of TB on a personal and economic scale is staggering.

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