WWE Raw Results (5/13): Falls Count Anywhere
May 13th, 2019
Report by Matthew Wilkinson for ProWrestling.com
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We are kicking off tonight’s WWE Raw, from London, England, with Miz TV as The Miz welcomes Roman Reigns (our first Wildcard of the night), to the red brand. But before he brings out the Big Dog, Miz panders to the UK crowd and promotes this Sunday’s Money In The Bank.
He then moves on to his opponent for Sunday, Shane McMahon, stating that he will be locked inside a steel cage, but doesn’t go in detail as Miz brings out Roman Reigns. The Big Dog gets a very mixed reception from the fans as he says that Elias is young, strong, and very talented which leads to a “Walk With Elias” chant from the UK fans.
Roman says Elias hasn’t done anything in WWE, and on Sunday he will be bringing the big fight. Miz claims they have a lot in common and suggests they should get together and do a buddy comedy movie, to which Roman quickly stops him and says he sounds like the old Miz.
Reigns says he came here to hang out with the new Miz, who defies the authority, asking Miz where that guy has gone. Miz says it took Shane McMahon to understand why he hasn’t been on the same page as the fans, and he claims it is all about earning respect and after 13 years he thinks he is earning that.
Miz adds that Shane is a daddy’s boy who has a silver spoon in his mouth, and he claims that he knows how to win and how to bring a fight. The Miz then promises that Shane will regret putting his hands on him and his family… which leads to Shane O’Mac making his presence known…
Shane appears and says it is flattering that they are out there talking about him, and he reminds them that he is their boss and he is out to inform them that as of right now, Miz TV is over. This leads to a sneak attack from behind by both Bobby Lashley and Elias (the second Wildcard of the night). Shane then channels his inner Teddy Long and sets up a tag team match, playa!
The Miz and Elias kick things off with Shane McMahon at ringside and Elias is able to take control with a big chop that takes down his opponent. Miz then takes down Elias with a knee and tags in the Big Dog as Elias quickly escapes the ring to put some distance between them.
Bobby Lashley then enters and quickly takes the fight to Reigns until he is able to reverse with a Samoan Drop as Miz returns to the action and flies into the corner to take out Lashley as Elias tries to jump him but Reigns takes him down, leading to duel IT Kicks for Lashley and Elias.
Elias then gets involved again on the ring apron and distracts Miz, allowing Lashley to regain control with a spinebuster, yet Miz kicks out at two. As we return from commercial, Shane McMahon gets involved, choking Miz onto the ring ropes whilst the official is not looking.
Elias then goes old school but when he jumps hits a double knee to The Miz, yet he is able to kick out once again. Lashley then gets back into the match and hits a huge vertical suplex on Miz, who continues to keep the match alive.
Miz then fights his way out of the corner, but Elias prevents the tag. However, Elias then makes the mistake of trying to take out Reigns, who reverses and hits Elias putting him in the path of Miz for a DDT, but Lashley tags back in and stops the tag again.
The Miz then escapes a should tackle and sends Lashley crashing into the steel post but just as a tag is about to happen, Shane McMahon rags Roman down and sends him crashing into the steel steps, bringing an end to the match as the three heels then beatdown on The Miz.
Winners: Roman Reigns & The Miz (via DQ)
The three men beatdown Miz on the outside until Roman Reigns flies over the top rope to take out everyone, but the numbers game catches up on him again and the heels regain control and beatdown on Roman. That is until Miz makes the save with a steel chair as Shane escapes as Lashley and Elias get a Superman Punch each for their troubles.
(Results continue on the next page…)
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